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This week we had the opportunity to verbally pitch our honours concept to our break-out room groups. It was a great chance to communicate our ideas to an audience, and get an overall feel for any gaps in our plans. The feedback was very valuable, here are some of my preliminary notes for this.


Project title:

'Monster Slash'


Project Aim/Vision Statement: For my honours project, I want to create a world and assets for a ‘hack ‘n slash’ videogame. With this I want to produce a final book, displaying the renders of the environment. I want to include a breakdown of the character and monsters. I’d also like to focus on creating a playful cartoon-like aesthetic, but in a 3D medium. Producing all my assets within 3D software’s. I want the game to be directed at older children/teens to adults, due to the slapstick humour violence.


Research Domain Main Areas of Research

-Existing hack ‘n slash games

-Existing game aesthetics

-Game Manuals & Art Bibles

-Character Design & Development

-Environmental Design


Description of Portfolio Output(s): -Final Levels within games engine

-Beauty Renders of Environment

-Beauty Renders of Character

-Beauty Renders of Weapons

-Asset Compilation Image

-Game Manual: breakdown of each Character & Monster


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This week I have been asked to build upon my vision statement from last week. The intention this week is to begin outlining my project. This week I have started defining my key themes using mind-mapping and research.


I decided to go with creating a mind map as instructed. I feel it refreshed my mind on last weeks work, but also sparked inspiration on some research domains I can maybe focus on for the project. I feel that this exercise really helped me solidify the key themes I want to incorporate into my main idea. Overall, this helped me figure out how viable and achievable my project is too.


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To kick off honours year, I have been ask to come up with a vision statement for what I would like to create this year. I immediately settled on wanting to create some form of 3D piece for my honours. I feel it would be a perfect addition to my current folio and showreel.


Vision Statement

'For my honours project, I want to create a world and assets for a ‘hack ‘n slash’ videogame. With this I want to produce a final book, displaying the renders of the environment. I want to include a breakdown of the character and monsters. I’d also like to focus on creating a playful cartoon-like aesthetic, but in a 3D medium. Producing all my assets within 3D software’s. I want the game to be directed at older children/teens to adults, due to the slapstick humour violence.'



I want to create environments and characters that would be used within a videogame. I’d like to include the creation of props (weapons) and such to explore new styles and methods in my 3D skills. I would ideally like to have each asset fully polished and pieced together into a solid game slice. I want to build upon this concept, as games is an industry, I am interested in post-uni. I want to further my style, and consistency in style. I think this project gives the opportunity to narrow my scope is needed also. Overall, I really like this concept and I am motivated to stay focused and determined.


This is my overview so far, and I hope to further it in the weeks going forward.

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