To kick off honours year, I have been ask to come up with a vision statement for what I would like to create this year. I immediately settled on wanting to create some form of 3D piece for my honours. I feel it would be a perfect addition to my current folio and showreel.
Vision Statement
'For my honours project, I want to create a world and assets for a ‘hack ‘n slash’ videogame. With this I want to produce a final book, displaying the renders of the environment. I want to include a breakdown of the character and monsters. I’d also like to focus on creating a playful cartoon-like aesthetic, but in a 3D medium. Producing all my assets within 3D software’s. I want the game to be directed at older children/teens to adults, due to the slapstick humour violence.'
I want to create environments and characters that would be used within a videogame. I’d like to include the creation of props (weapons) and such to explore new styles and methods in my 3D skills. I would ideally like to have each asset fully polished and pieced together into a solid game slice. I want to build upon this concept, as games is an industry, I am interested in post-uni. I want to further my style, and consistency in style. I think this project gives the opportunity to narrow my scope is needed also. Overall, I really like this concept and I am motivated to stay focused and determined.
This is my overview so far, and I hope to further it in the weeks going forward.